Raising the Bar on Your Services?

How do you rate in your client reviews? Do you consistently exceed the mark of excellence, or are you working hard toward reaching that goal? In this heavy field of competition, we must continually work to elevate our “brand” and unequivocally exceed client expectations to remain ahead of the pack. What can you do to stand apart from the rest? Raising the bar on your services is one place to start – even when you think you can’t possible go any higher.

Follow Through, From Start to Finish

Purchasing decisions are emotional for most people – especially when bigger price tags are involved. You clients may expect you to be the rock they need to lean upon throughout the buying process. Doing everything you can to provide resources, encouragement and just plain kindness throughout the entire experience will elevate your status when it comes time for them to review your services or provide a recommendation to others.

Anticipate Client Needs – Before They Do

Want to really impress your clients? Think ahead and anticipate their needs, questions and concerns before they do. That way, you’ll always be at the ready with a concrete answer or able to mitigate obstacles before they arise. Use your experience in past situations or place yourself in your client’s shoes to do your best to “foresee” the road ahead.

Go the Extra Mile

Just when you think you’ve done enough, do even more. Even if there’s nothing new to report, contact your clients to simply “check-in,” keeping them informed of where things stand in the buying process. Make yourself as available as possible, and do your best to go the distance in wowing them throughout the experience.

Mean What You Say, and Say What You Mean

Being completely transparent and forthcoming with relevant information builds trust, showing your honesty and integrity as a professional. Whether you have news that’ll make your client’s day or cause disappointment, be confident in your delivery and truthful with their expectations.

Fact is, it’s a tough race, with everyone vying for new or repeat business and a competitive position within the marketplace. Do whatever it takes to exceed that mark of excellence, each and every time.




Standing Out in the Crowd?

Be in the business of branding your business.

 When your clients (or potential clients) hear or read your business name, does it resonate in a particular way? Does it conjure up a certain (branded) image or promise of an out-of-this-world experience? Perhaps you’ve chosen to associate your business with a catchy jingle, symbol or remarkable color combination. However you decide to brand your business, the importance lies in your ability to stand out among the crowd – especially if your business it part of an industry well populated.

Brand for Your Life

As any marketing expert will profess, branding your business properly and strategically is a cornerstone to a sound marketing plan, and ultimately your business success. It’s important to carefully consider how you want your business to be perceived and take steps to implement robust branding strategies to meet that objective. You and those associated with your brand must then continually work to support those efforts to build and maintain trust in your name, products or services, and longevity.

Be a Mover and a Shaker

Are you maximizing your efforts to support and grow your good business name? Do you analyze every marketing angle, ensuring all bases are covered? Maybe you have a talented marketing team who does all of this, but if you’re marketing on your own (or on a budget), consider these branding techniques to help you along your way:

  • Know your direction. Having a clear understanding of the precise message your brand should emit is crucial. Once defined, you can then work on brand/product placement, visibility and presence within your market.
  • Blanket your branding. Ensure your identifiable markers (logo, image, audio – whatever helps define your business) are well-placed, wherever appropriate to support your marketing objectives. For some businesses, this may mean everywhere and anywhere, while others may opt for selectivity as part of their branding strategy.
  • Be innovative, be unique, but above all, be engaging. Standing out among the crowd often involves taking bold risks, broaching spheres of influence others have yet to attempt. Think about what tactics your target market finds engaging, and be the first to charge in that direction.
  • Be consistent, and persevere. Above all, effective branding of your business requires consistency and perseverance, from all organizational representatives. Your company voice should remain fluid across all mediums, helping to establish trust and reliability in your business name.

Whatever strategies you chose, it’s important to understand that branding in a full-time effort. Your brand is essentially your business’ personality. Let it shine, engage and inspire.